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NX Mix #1 // Adela Mede



Adela Mede is a musician, poet and popular music student at Goldsmiths. Since making the move to London, she has released her beguiling brand of distorted soundscapes through London label ACR. We're very proud to have Adela provide our very first guest mix - a blend of contemporary electronics,  folk and pop from her native Slovakia. More words from Adela below...



NX Records: Why did you choose this music? Are they just songs you like or do they have some other meaning or theme to them?


Adela Mede: These songs are very very inspiring to me on a musical level (hence the Hungarian folk song), and then there's inspiration coming from a more personal level too. People like Adam (FKA Mt Accord), CJ Mirra, S I T R A and CIL are all good friends of mine and there the inspiration can go much deeper. So are nvmeri (who are my fave Slovak band), and I was lucky enough to be asked to help them out with some lyrics on their latest album. Mostly just correcting some grammar though lol.


NX Records: I wonder how the music scenes differ between London and Slovakia? How has your involvement in music developed since you moved?


Adela Mede:  London is enormous. At least I was very surprised and overwhelmed by EVERYTHING here happening AT THE SAME TIME. I used to think Bratislava was more community based in its music scene, but I feel like it's a practice all people cling to, because it feels very natural to us. I actually wasn't making music before I moved here. I worked in a tiny coffee shop and contributed to a music blog, sometimes got to interview some cool artists. The first track I produced was for my audition for Goldsmiths - before that I just messed about in Sibelius. I have no idea how I ended up here. The community of musicians at Goldsmiths is incredibly motivating and welcoming. Sounds cheesy but it's honestly very true.


NX Records: And what do you hope to achieve during your time here? Do you have any projects in the pipeline?


Adela Mede:  Ahhh so so much! I hope to really adopt this idea of learning and working together in music, I hope to build more understanding for musicians in general (as for myself), and I hope for our whole year to really become our best selves. As of right now, I've got my first ever remix happening with Adam Badi Donoval's wet cacti EP, and eventually something maybe coming out on his label, ACR.




Colleen - Separating, A flame my love, a frequency (Thrill Jockey Records)

Hannah Epperson - We Will Host a Party (Amelia), Slowdown (Listenrecords)

Tante Elze - Down and Out, Bedroom Era

Kara-Lis Coverdale - Saps /h, Aftertouches (Sacred Phrases)

Fujnak a fellegek - Márta Sebestyén and Muzsikás Hungarian Songs As Performed by Marta Sebestyen and Muzsikas (Hungaroton)

Mt Accord - Close-Up, Shatter-Resistant (Purlieu Recordings)

Sudan Archives - Goldencity, Sudan Archives (Stones Throw Records)

nvmeri - False Promises, I don’t think so (Gergaz)

CJ MIrra - Forest Liquid Light, STATIC - Original Surf Soundtracks Volume​.​1 (The State51 Conspiracy)

S I T R A - Enter the Moss Garden, Listen To The Wind EP (Colour8)

Katarina Malikova - Pustvopol, Pustvopol (Slnko Records)

CIL - Warm Dependence, Warm Dependence (South Space Records)

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