Crossing Lines IV
We decided to change things up for the fourth instalment of our ​annual compilation, Crossing Lines, by releasing a series of live videos recorded at our pop-up record shop, 310NXRD. Starting off with beautifully languid, lilting jazz-folk courtesy of Maya Yianni, we're soon propelled through a psychedelic vortex by the deconstructed analogue-soul of Rick Leigh. Thøss launches a curveball in the form of his blue collar rock stylings, before Jack Eagle's twitchy fuzz-bass workout, and J F L E's bizarrely hip, disjointed post-pop. Laura McCafferty offers a few moments of sanctitude with her brand of homespun, weightless folk (complete with ambulance sirens!), then we close things out with Marged's deliciously glitchy pop and the soaring menace of Fille.
Check out all the videos here, and stay tuned for more events at 310NXRD.